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March Topic - It's time to plant seeds, plan, and bloom into a new season.

If you've been following me over the past few months you know I've been talking a lot about not fast forwarding through the seasons. You can read more about it  HERE in my last community post.

I'm a big proponent of living seasonally and intentionally. Gone are the days of following what I should be doing, or what our culture/society has set up… that’s another post in itself. Let’s get back to the seasons. Each season brings us specific gifts to lift us up and nurture our minds, bodies, and soul. I wanted to revisit this topic and talk more about what you can expect for spring (as I write this spring is just 10 days away and Daylight savings happens in just a few hours). So let’s get ready for spring and see what gifts she has in store for us!

Spring: March 19th - June 20th She brings us fresh starts, blooms, an energy of renewal, hope, optimism, and confidence. 

What to pay attention to in nature and how it relates to your life

The first signs of new life beginning to bloom. Trees are beginning to bud, snow is melting, water is running, the sun is shining longer, and birds, insects are creeping out of hiding. After hibernating and a deep rest, nature is coming to life. Notice that she is slowly transitioning, spring doesn’t happen overnight. Spring still consists of cold days, sometimes snow, slowly leading to warmer, longer days.

Journal prompts to create and envision the season ahead:

Remember we are still in hibernation for a few days. It’s the perfect time to plan, create, envision, and dream while still holding on to the last bit of rest we have before life becomes full again. As we come closer to the end of the month is when you will come to life and take action on your plans, and goals (this is when you plan your “new year, new me”, you have rested and built up the energy, vitality, and sustenance needed to see things through, and enjoy).

  • What are you letting go of as we approach spring?

  • How has rest served you? If you didn’t get enough, how can you take advantage of the last bit of hibernation we have?

  • What seeds are you planting to build yourself up and pour into yourself for the new season ahead? Remember selfcare and wellness can look like whatever you need and what is designed to best serve you.

  • How will you nurture, give time and energy to what you are planting?

  • How are you going to slowly transition/bloom into your new season?

I hope this helps bring you into the new season intentionally, with purpose, and ease. I would love to hear how the prompts guided you, and what your outcome was with planning, feel free to comment below.

Here’s to a new season, a “New Year, New You”!

With love and wellness, Crystal Garcia


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