I'd like to share something with you: Did you know that play, curiosity, and discovery are all forms of self-care?
Play can bring joy, connect you with others, boost endorphins, and keep your mind active.
Curiosity and discovery allow you to learn new things, improve personal development, and keep your mind healthy.
As kids we think nothing of it, it's part of our daily lives and we are engrossed in it. It's a huge part of how we connect, release, emote, and feel. When and why did we loose something so important the shaped our lives and helped us in so many ways?
That brings me to this month's topic and question, do you create time for time for play, curosity, and discovery? What does that look like for you? Here are a few things to consider:
What or who lights you up?
What activity can you get lost in for hours?
What draws you in for hours that fills your cup?
It's important to make time for these things in your daily life. I challegne you to make it more than just something you check off your to do list, or only give it 30 minutes. This is your time! INDULGE & ENJOY!!!
As for me, I've been immersing myself in my favorite hobby, sewing. I'm almost finished with a summer dress, it's been a nice change from spending all day on the computer for my full-time job and my work with Daily Ritual. It feels like I'm an architect, turning blueprints into real structures. Sewing has also taught me patience, which has started to show in other parts of my life. Who would have thought that sewing could help me with my general impatience? I'm the type of person who usually wants to go, go, go, and do, do, do. I can't wait to share the final result with you. Check back soon for a full picture or video.
Now it's your turn. Share your current forms of play, curiosity, and discovery in the comments. I want to see and hear what you're doing for your "me time" and most importantly, how it makes you feel.
With love and wellness,
Crystal Garcia